The 18th Annual Meeting of the Missouri Herpetological Association was held on 24-25 September 2005 at Reis Biological Station near Steelville, Crawford County, Missouri.
A total of 28 members, representing 12 institutions, attended. An brief introduction to the biological station was followed by nine paper sessions. A short business meeting followed the last presentation. Discussion topics included the location of the 2006 meeting as well as some tentative plans for a spring field trip weekend. Abstracts from presentations will be published in the 2005 newsletter, available sometime this winter.
Details about the 2006 annual meeting, tentatively planned at Reis Biological Station in Crawford County, Missouri will be available soon. Stay tuned!
Group Photograph

Front row (seated): Bethany Williams (UMC), Carlos Martinez Rivera (UMC).
Second row (seated): Wayne Drda (WU), Robert Aldridge (SLU), Carol Bryant (SIUE), Jenna Tune (UMR), Jessica Mueller (UMR), Samantha Wisniewski (SLU), Donny Kahl (BC), Diana Mullich (MSU), Jeff Briggler (MDC), Jennifer Godfrey (UMSL).
Third row (standing): Richard Daniel (UMC), Brian Edmond (MSU), Glenn Manning (UAF), Ryan Turnquist (SLU), Mark McKnight (MSU), Brian Greene (MSU), Nathan Windel (MSU), Don Moll (MSU), Neil Dazet (MSU), Ryan Combs (MSU), Evan Menzel (MSU), Bob Krager (DNR), Tim Schmalz (UMSL), Bill Peterman (UMC), Ralph Axtell (SIUE), Adam Crane (OTC).
Key: BC=Blackburn College, DNR=Missouri Department of Natural Resources, MDC=Missouri Department of Conservation, MSU=Missouri State University, OTC=Ozarks Technical Community College, SIUE=University of Illinois at Edwardsville, SLU=Saint Louis University, UAF=University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, UMC=University of Missouri at Columbia, UMR=University of Missouri at Rolla, UMSL=University of Missouri at Saint Louis, WU=Washington University.