
The 20th Annual Meeting of the Missouri Herpetological Association was held on 29 – 30 September 2007 at Bull Shoals Field Station near Kirbyville, Taney County, Missouri.

A total of 41 members, representing 15 institutions, attended the meeting. Eleven paper sessions were presented during the regular meeting. A brief introduction to the Bull Shoals Field Station followed the break and a short business meeting followed the last regular presentation. Business meeting discussion topics included the date and location of the 2008 spring field trip and 2008 fall meeting. After dinner, the keynote presentation, entitled From the Ozarks to Mount Ararat: The Saint Louis Zoo’s role in amphibian and reptile conservationwas given by Jeff Ettling, Curator of Reptiles and Aquatics at the Saint Louis Zoo. Abstracts from presentations will be published in the 2007 newsletter, which will be published this winter.

PDF Document Schedule

Several from the group spent Sunday at the field station to participate in the Sunday morning field trip effort.

The MHA would like to extend a special appreciation to Alicia Mathis for waiving the overnight charge for everyone that stayed Saturday night at the field station.

Annual Meeting 2007 Group Photograph

Front row (seated only): Diane Mullich (MSU), Dylan Allen (MSU), Morgan Presley (MSU), Paul Frese (NRCS), Garrison Frese, Alex Edmond, Joseph Edmond.
Second row (seated and standing): Kelly Rockers (MSU), Robert Aldridge (SLU), Mark Mills (MVC), Kevin Smith (WU), Jeff LeClere (HN), Chris Smith (UMN), Jamie Pastika (RADZ), Jeff Ettling (SLZ), Dustin Siegel (SLU), Daryl Trumbo (SLU), Brian Edmond (MSU).
Third row (seated only): Jeff Briggler (MDC), Brian Gall (MSU), Brad Glorioso (DNR), Alicia Mathis (MSU), Kenya Windel (DMJ).
Fourth row (standing only): Kevin Stohlgren (MDC), Alex Heeb (CHS), Dan Heeb, Ben Anders (MSU), Carl Gerhardt (UMC), Don Moll (MSU), Brian Greene (MSU), Allan Wilson (MVC), Kenton Lohraff (DPW), Richard Daniel (UMC), Michelle Bowe (MSU), Glenn Manning (UAM), Nathan Windel (DMJ), Mark McKnight (MSU).
Not pictured: Adam Crane (MSU), Alex Muensch (MSU), Karen Heeb, Jacob Heeb.
Key: CHS=Chaffee High School, DMJ=Deer / Mount Judea School District, DNR=Missouri Department of Natural Resources, DPW=Department of Public Works Natural Resources, Fort Leonard Wood, HN=HerpNet, MDC=Missouri Department of Conservation, MSU=Missouri State University, MVC=Missouri Valley College, NRCS=Natural Resources Conservation Service, RADZ=Reptile and Amphibian Discovery Zoo, Minnesota, SLU=Saint Louis University, SLZ=Saint Louis Zoo, UAM=University of Arkansas at Monticello, UMC=University of Missouri at Columbia, UMN=University of Minnesota, WU=Washington University.

Other Photographs

Original Announcement

Date and Location

The 20th annual meeting of the Missouri Herpetological Association will be held September 29 – 30, 2007 at Bull Shoals Field Station near Kirbyville, Taney County, Missouri.


Paper sessions will begin at 1pm on Saturday afternoon. Members planning to present a paper should fill out and return the attached registration form to Jeff Briggler no later than September 14, 2007.

An evening potluck dinner will be followed wih a presentation by Jeff Ettling (Curator of Reptiles and Aquatics) on the conservation efforts of the Saint Louis Zoo entitled “From the Ozarks to Mt. Ararat: The Saint Louis Zoo’s Role in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation.” Fellowship, musical entertainment (bring instruments), and telling tall tales will follow Jeff’s presentation.

A Sunday morning field trip (9am to noon) is planned in the vicinity. Details will be finalized that weekend based on local weather conditions and site availability.


Accommodations include a dormitory (bunk beds and cots for approximately 30 people on a first come basis). Tent camping sites near the Drury House are available. Bring pillow, sleeping bag, or bedding. There is a $5 charge for anyone staying overnight. Motel rooms are available in nearby Forsyth and Branson for the less adventurous.

Driving Directions

From Springfield, take Highway 65 south about 38 miles, then exit at MO 248 (red route – red diamond on exit sign). There will be a traffic light at the intersection of the exit ramp and 248. Turn left (east) which will take you into old downtown Branson. At the roundabout, select Veterans Blvd (Business 65) that continues south through a major intersection with Main Street. After this intersection the road becomes MO 76 east. Continue on 76 for 6 miles. As you leave town, cross Lake Taneycomo and turn left after the bridge. After the long hill and some curves, you will also pass a golf course and new developments on the right. Shortly after passing a small school (Kirbyville), turn right (south) onto county road J. Follow J for about 6 miles, and then go straight through the four-way intersection (a MO Department of Conservation sign points toward the near by Mincy Conservation Area for a turn to the right).

The pavement turns to gravel as you pass through an open gate where you will see yellow Department of Conservation signage for the Drury Wildlife Area. You will later pass through a second bar gate, which is usually locked, but open for special events. Follow the gravel road for 4 miles until it dead ends at the field station. You will see the Bull Shoals Field Station sign and the large stone house overlooking the lake.

More Information

The following documents contain more information.