
The 25th Annual Meeting of the Missouri Herpetological Association was held on 29 – 30 September 2012 at at Lincoln University’s Busby Reservation near Jefferson City, Cole County, Missouri.

A total of 33 “members”, representing 10 institutions, attended the meeting. Fifteen (15) paper sessions were presented during the regular meeting. A brief business meeting followed the last regular presentation. Business meeting discussion topics included the date and location of the 2013 meeting. Abstracts from presentations will be published in the 2012 newsletter, which will be available this winter.

PDF Document Schedule

After the traditional potluck dinner, Dr. Daren Riedle, professor at Lincoln University, talked about his travels to South Africa as a guide for herpetology safaris.

On Sunday morning, a portion of the group gathered at some nearby abandoned quarries to look for amphibians and reptiles. Following is the list of species caught at the site.

Species Common Name Number Photographs
Anaxyrus americanus American Toad 3 No photo from this location
Acris crepitans Northern Cricket Frog 4 Photo
Sceloporus consobrinus Prairie Lizard 36 Photo
Aspidoscelis sexlineata Six-lined Racerunner 2 Photo
Plestiodon fasciatus Common Five-lined Skink 1 Photo
Plestiodon anthracinus Southern Coal Skink 3 Photo Photo
Scincella lateralis Little Brown Skink 11 Photo
Diadophis punctatus Ring-necked Snake 5 Photo
Lampropeltis getula Speckled Kingsnake 1 Photo
Terrapene carolina Three-toed Box Turtle 14 Photo Photo

The MHA would like to thank Lincoln University for generously hosting the 2012 meeting in an outstanding facility. We wish to extend a special appreciation to Daren Riedle for making arrangements for the group to use the facilities and for leading Sunday morning’s field trip.

Group Photograph

Annual Meeting 2012 Group Photograph

Front row (seated only): Neil Bass (USACOE), Felena King-Cooley (LU), Simone Johnson (LU), Tamera Riedle, Brian Edmond (MSU).
Second row (seated and standing): Jeff Briggler (MDC), Lucas Prater (LU), Denise Thompson (MSU), Rachel Bortosky (MSU), Travis Reeder (MSU), Alicia Mathis (MSU), Benjamin Dalton (MSU), Carrie Richardson (MWSU), Heather Loe (MWSU).
Third row (seated and standing): Richard Daniel (UMC), Travis Anthony (MSU), Chad Montgomery (TSU), Katie Allen (TSU), Ethan Hollender (MSU), Valerie Jones (MSU), Whitney Heuring (MSU), Brooke McWherter (MSU), Daren Riedle (LU), Vic Bogosian (MDC), Bob Kraeger (DNR), Bob Powell (AU), Mark Mills (MWSU), Glenn Manning (UAM).
Fourth row (standing only): Don McKnight (MSU), Courtney Heuring (MSU), Emilee Helton (MSU), Matthew Acre, Day Ligon (MSU).
Key: AU=Avila University, DNR=Missouri Department of Natural Resources, LU=Lincoln University, MDC=Missouri Department of Conservation, MSU=Missouri State University, MWSU=Missouri Western State University, TSU=Truman State University, UAM=University of Arkansas at Monticello, UMC=University of Missouri at Columbia, USACOE=US Army Corps of Engineers.

Other Photographs

Original Announcement

Date and Location

The 25th annual meeting of the Missouri Herpetological Association will be held September 29 – 30, 2012 at Lincoln University’s Busby Reservation near Jefferson City, Cole County, Missouri.


Paper sessions will begin at 1 pm on Saturday afternoon. Members planning to present a paper should fill out and return the attached registration form to Jeff Briggler no later than Fri 21 Sep 2012.

After the paper sessions are concluded, we will have a potluck for the Saturday evening dinner. Please bring a hot dish, salad, chips, dessert, hot rolls, chicken wings, etc. Supply your own drinks and tableware for dinner.

Dinner will be followed by a presentation by Dr. Daren Riedle. His talk is entitled “Developing Herp-based Ecotourism in South Africa”. Fellowship, musical entertainment (bring instruments), and telling tall tales will follow Daren’s presentation.

Sunday morning will begin with a traditional breakfast in Jefferson City followed by a morning field excursion for the hale and hardy survivors.


Dormitory style rooms are available on a first come, first served basis. Bring pillow, sleeping bag, or bedding.

Driving Directions

From the junction of US 50 and US 54 in Jefferson City, Missouri, take US 54 south approximately 6.2 miles to Goller Rd. Travel east on Goller Rd for approximately 0.1 mile to the entrance of Busby Farm. If traveling north on US 54 from Lake of the Ozarks, Goller Rd is located approximately 6.2 miles north of the junction with Rt E in Brazito, Missouri.

More Information

The following documents contain more information.