
The 19th Annual Meeting of the Missouri Herpetological Association was held on 30 September-1 October 2006 at Reis Biological Station near Steelville, Crawford County, Missouri.

A total of 32 members, representing 12 institutions, attended. An brief introduction to the biological station was followed by ten paper sessions. A short business meeting followed the last presentation. Discussion topics included the location of the 2007 meeting as well as some tentative plans for a spring field trip weekend. After dinner, Carl Gerhardt presented an outdoors evening showing of still photographs and videos of amphibians and reptiles from the southwestern United States and Australia. Abstracts from presentations will be published in the 2006 newsletter, available this winter.

PDF Document Schedule

A Sunday morning field trip followed breakfast in Steelville.

Details about the 2007 annual meeting, tentatively planned at Bull Shoals Field Station in Taney County, Missouri will be available soon. Stay tuned!

Group Photograph

Front row (seated): Aaron Thomas (CMSU), Brad Glorioso, Jennifer Mittelhauser (CMSU), Bethany Williams (UMC), Jeff Briggler (MDC), Brian Edmond (MSU).
Second row (seated): Carl Gerhardt (UMC), Samantha Wisniewski (SLU), Caleb Leonard (SLU), Carol Bryant (SIUE), Ralph Axtell (SIUE), Robert Aldridge (SLU), Gail Johnston (LU), Alicia Mathis (MSU), Joseph Edmond, Alex Edmond.
Third row (standing): Wade Ryberg (WU), Brian Greene (MSU), Noah Gordon (UMC), Richard Daniel (UMC), Robert Powell (AU), Drew Dittmer (UMC), Alex Muensch (AU), Wayne Drda (WU), Mike Jones (CSC), Benjamin Jellen (SLU), Chris Shulse (UMC), Diane Mullich (MSU), Rod Wittenberg (UAF), Christopher Garrison (MSU), Glenn Manning (UAF), Brian Gall (MSU).
Key: AU=Avila University, CMSU=Central Missouri State University, CSC=Culver-Stockton College, LU=Lindenwood University, MDC=Missouri Department of Conservation, MSU=Missouri State University, SIUE=University of Illinois at Edwardsville, SLU=Saint Louis University, UAF=University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, UMC=University of Missouri at Columbia, UMSL=University of Missouri at Saint Louis, WU=Washington University.

Other Photographs

Original Announcement

The 19th annual meeting of the Missouri Herpetological Association will be held September 30 – October 1, 2006 at Reis Biological Station near Steelville, Crawford County, Missouri.

Paper sessions will begin at 1pm on Saturday afternoon. Members planning to present a paper should fill out and return the attached registration form to Jeff Briggler no later than September 8, 2006. An evening potluck dinner will be followed by a slide show of SW US and Australian herps encountered by Carl Gerhardt during his many travels. Fellowship, musical entertainment (bring instruments), and tall tale telling will follow Carl’s presentation.

Accommodations include a dormitory, sleeping cabins (3 or 4 persons per cabin), and tent camping sites. Bring pillow, sleeping bag, or bedding.

A morning field trip is planned for nearby Woodson K. Woods Conservation Area (Phelps/Crawford Counties) from 9am to noon.

The following documents contain more information.