
The 30th Annual Meeting of the Missouri Herpetological Association was held on September 16 – 17, 2017 at Reis Biological Station near Steelville, Crawford County, Missouri.

A total of 49 members, representing 13 organizations, attended the meeting. Thirteen (13) paper sessions were presented during the regular meeting (the presentation by Jon Davenport was cancelled). A brief business meeting followed the last regular presentation. Business meeting discussion topics included the date and location of the 2018 meeting. Abstracts from presentations will be published in the 2017 newsletter, which will be available this winter.

PDF Document Schedule

After the traditional potluck dinner, Daren Riedle, Wildlife Diversity Coordinator and de facto State Herpetologist in Kansas, Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks, and Tourism and Jeff Briggler, State Herpetologist, Missouri Department of Conservation will presented “Herp on the Edge: Cross Border Collaborative Conservation”. This presentation examined shared conservation concerns along one of the most important transitional zones in North America.

The MHA would like to thank Saint Louis University for generously hosting the 2017 meeting in this traditional and popular field station facility.

Group Photograph

Annual Meeting 2017 Group Photograph

Front row (seated): Jeff Kimmons (PU), Jeremy Chamberlain (UALR), Colton Lynn (MSU), Marci Polett (UCA), Tim Clay (UT), Bethany Bolander (MWSU), Ruben Tovar (UT), Brian Greene (MSU).
Second row (seated): Arianne Messerman (UMC), Jordan Hartley (SEMO), Tom Anderson (UMC), Jake Burkhart (UMC), Levi Storks (UMC), Julian Edmond, Ellee Cook (UMC), Angie Lenard (UCA), Han Hoekzema (UMC), Christopher Robinson (UCA), Stephanie Ruck (UMC).
Third row (standing): Brian Edmond (MSU), Steven Snow (SFF), Tom Hastings (SEMO), Kendra Vazquez Molina (SEMO), Trey Recker (SEMO), Shane Pitts (DU), Chris Cannon (SEMO), Nick Ledbetter (UT), Alex Meinders (MSU), Ben Dalton (MSU), Shannon Johnson (MSU), Dylan Maag (MSU), Katelyn Gardner (MSU), Stephanie Morrison (MSU), Chelsea Martin (MSU), Kenzie Medley (MSU), Andrew Feltman (UCA), Jeff Briggler (MDC), Kenton Lohraff (DPW), Bryan Dittman (DU), Matt Gifford (UCA), Hugh Quinn, Chris Watson (MWSU), Mark Mills (MWSU), Glenn Manning (UAM), Richard Daniel (UMC).
Not pictured: Mathew Cavanaugh (DU), Erika O’Brien (DU), Dustin Siegel (SEMO), David Taylor (DU).
Key: DPW=Department of Public Works, Natural Resources, Fort Leonard Wood, DU=Drury University, MDC=Missouri Department of Conservation, MSU=Missouri State University, MWSU=Missouri Western State University, PU=Park University, SEMO=Southest Missouri State University, SFF=Snow Family Farm Herpetological Research Station, UALR=University of Arkansas at Little Rock, UAM=University of Arkansas at Monticello, UCA=University of Central Arkansas, UMC=University of Missouri at Columbia, UT=University of Tulsa.

Other Photographs

Original Announcement

Date and Location

The 30th annual meeting of the Missouri Herpetological Association will be held September 16 – 17, 2017 at Reis Biological Station, approximately 11 miles east of Steelville on Missouri Highway 8 in Crawford County, Missouri.


Paper sessions will begin at 1 pm on Saturday afternoon. Members planning to present a paper should fill out and return the attached registration form to Jeff Briggler no later than Fri 8 Sep 2017. Registration is free.

After the paper sessions are concluded, we will have a potluck for the Saturday evening dinner. Please bring a hot dish, salad, chips, dessert, hot rolls, chicken wings, etc. Supply your own drinks and tableware for dinner.


Dormitory, sleeping cabins (3 or 4 persons per cabin) and tent camping sites are available. Bring pillow, sleeping bag or bedding.

Driving Directions

At Cuba, Missouri (on I-44) take MO 19 south to Steelville. Proceed through Steelville on the main road (combined MO 8/MO 19). At the eastern edge of Steelville take MO 8 toward Potosi for 11 miles. MO 19 turns south at this point.

After leaving Steelville you will cross Huzzah Creek (approximately 8.0 miles east of Steelville). Continue on Highway 8 up the long hill for 3.0 miles. At the top of the hill is a blue highway sign that reads “Roadside Park ½ mile”. The gravel road to the station is the first road to the right after the sign (about two blocks distance). Take the gravel road for approximately 1.5 miles to the station. You will know that you missed the entrance if you reach the roadside park on the left. If you do, turn around and go back to the first road.

More Information

The following documents contain more information.